Construction Management and Accounts CMA 6th Sem/Civil/5170/May 2019

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Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                              15×1=15

  1. The art of planning, co-coordinating and controlling various activities of a construction project is known as Reduce.
  2. Bar chart is also known as  Gantt chart.
  3. Line organization is not suitable for large projects.
  4. Fire extinguishers should be installed at the construction site to prevent fire hazards.
  5. The minimum wages Act was passed in the year 1948.
  6. A notebook which records the quantities of work done at the site periodically is termed as measurement book.
  7. Quality control is achieved through routine inspection.
  8. An event occurring unexpectedly during construction work is known as accident.
  9. A book which records cash transactions related to receipts and payments is cash book.
  10. Military organization is the  simplest and the earliest form of organization.

b) State true or false.

  1. The function of engineer is to arrange finances for the project.  (False)
  2. CPM is activity based network.                           (True)                  
  3. Motivation of employees is not the need of organization.           (False)
  4. The muster roll is used to mark the attendance of labour.           (True)
  5. About 80 percent accidents are caused due to unsafe practices and shear negligence.   (True)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. What are the functions of owners in construction team?
  2. Differentiate between PERT and CPM.
  3. What are the advantages of Line organization?
  4. Differentiate between direct and indirect costs?
  5. What are the main points to be kept in mind for quality control of masonry?
  6. Describe briefly the safety measures forformwork.
  7. Differentiate between Imprest and Temporary Advance.
  8. Define scheduling. Enlist its some importantadvantages.
  9. Define the following. (anytwo)
    1. Activity         b)Event              c)Dummy activity                  d) critical path.
  10. What are the limitations of barcharts?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. What are the various functions of construction management? Discuss them briefly.
  2. Explain the resources for construction industry.
  3. Explain the principle of storing and stacking materials at site?
  4. Discuss the various stages in planning a construction project.
  5. Explain the stages in projects for public works.
  6. Explain functional organization. What are its advantages?

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam /5170/May 2019

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Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam /5170/May 2019

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Section a FILL IN THE BLANKS Water Supply & Waste Water Engg. 4th Sem Civil/0514/Dec 2015 Paper

Art of planning, co-coordinating and controlling various activities of a construction project is known as _______

The art of planning, co-coordinating and controlling various activities of a construction project is known as Reduce.

Bar chart is also known as _______

Bar chart is also known as Gantt chart.


Line organization is not suitable for ______ projects.

Line organization is not suitable for large projects.

_________ should be installed at the construction site to prevent fire hazards.

Fire extinguishers should be installed at the construction site to prevent fire hazards.

The minimum wages Act was passed in the year ______.

The minimum wages Act was passed in the year 1948.


A notebook which records the quantities of work done at the site periodically is termed as ________.

A notebook which records the quantities of work done at the site periodically is termed as measurement book.

Quality control is achieved through routine _______.

Quality control is achieved through routine inspection.

An event occurring unexpectedly during construction work is known as _______.

An event occurring unexpectedly during construction work is known as accident.

A book which records cash transactions related to receipts and payments is _______.

A book which records cash transactions related to receipts and payments is cash book.

Military organization is the  ______ and the earliest form of organization

Military organization is the  simplest and the earliest form of organization.


b) State true or false.

The function of engineer is to arrange finances for the project. 



CPM is activity based network. 



Motivation of employees is not the need of organization.


The muster roll is used to mark the attendance of labour.  



About 80 percent accidents are caused due to unsafe practices and shear negligence.  


Download Previous Year Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019 Click Here

Section B :Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019

What are the functions of owners in construction team?

functions of owners in construction team.

Differentiate between PERT and CPM.

Differentiate between PERT and CPM.

What are the advantages of Line organization?

Advantages of Line organization

Differentiate between direct and indirect costs?

Differentiate between direct and indirect costs

What are the main points to be kept in mind for quality control of masonry?

Main points to be kept in mind for quality control of masonry

Describe briefly the safety measures for formwork

safety measures for formwork.

Differentiate between Imprest and Temporary Advance.

Imprest and Temporary Advance.

Define scheduling. Enlist its some important advantages.

Define scheduling. and  its important advantages.

Define the following. (anytwo) Activity         b)Event              c)Dummy activity                  d) critical path

a) Activity         b)Event              c)Dummy activity                  d) critical path

What are the limitations of bar charts ?

Limitations of bar charts

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019 Paper Click Here

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019

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Section c :-Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019

What are the various functions of construction management? 

Various functions of construction management

Explain the resources for construction industry.

Resources for construction industry.

Explain the principle of storing and stacking materials at site?

Principle of storing and stacking materials at site

Discuss the various stages in planning a construction project.

Different stages in planning a construction project.

Explain the stages in projects for public works.

Stages in projects for public works.

Explain functional organization. What are its advantages?

functional organization its advantages

Construction and Accounts CMA 6th Sem Civil Exam/5170/May 2019 Contact Us

Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/May 2017 Paper

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/May 2017 Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                                                      15×1=15

  1.  The mixture of cement, fine aggregate, and water is called concrete.

  2. Le-Chatelier  apparatus is used for soundness test of cement

  3. The initial setting time of OPC is 30 minut.

  4. Strength of cement is also called compressive strength

  5. The weight of one bag of cement is 50 kg.

  6. Ready mixed concrete is also called M.C concrete.

  7. Gypsum is added in cement for control setting time.

  8. Cement is always batched by weight

  9. Round and smooth aggregates increase the the workability.

  10. Slump of concrete is measured to test workability of concrete

     b) State True or False.

  1. When fully saturated, the bulking of sand is 100%.                                  (False)

  2. The strength of concrete is independent of water contents in it.           (True)

  3. If the mix is dry, the slump is zero.                                                               (False)

  4. Strength of cement is independent of storage period.                              (True)

  5. The volume of one bag of cement is 0.05m³.                                             (False)


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

  1. Write the advantages and disadvantages of concrete?

  2. What do you mean by batching? What are the different methods of batching?

  3. Explain the slump test of concrete?

  4. What are the various types of concrete mixer commonly used? Explain in

  5. What is difference b/w segregation and bleeding?

  6. What is the purpose of using admixture in concrete?

  7. Give the importance of non-destructive test?

  8. What is curing of concrete? What are the different methods of curing?

  9. What are the various methods of transportation of concrete?


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

  1. What do you mean by workability? Describe compacting factor Test
  2. Explain the properties of concrete in the hardened State ?
  3. Write short note on
    1. Bulking of
    2. Non-destructive test
    3. Segregation
    4. Concreting in hot weather
  4. Give the requirement of a ware house for the storage of concrete? What precaution will be taken while storing cement in ware house?

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/MAY 2017 Solved Paper

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The mixture of cement, fine aggregate, and water is called ______.

The mixture of cement, fine aggregate, and water is called concrete.


_____________apparatus is used for soundness test of cement

Le-Chatelier  apparatus is used for soundness test of cement


The initial setting time of OPC is _____-_.

The initial setting time of OPC is 30 minute.


Strength of cement is also called _________

Strength of cement is also called compressive strength


The weight of one bag of cement is _____.

The weight of one bag of cement is 50 kg.


Ready mixed concrete is also called ________ concrete.

Ready mixed concrete is also called R.M.C concrete.

Gypsum is added in cement for ________.

Gypsum is added in cement for control setting time.

Cement is always batched by _____.

Cement is always batched by weight.


Round and smooth aggregates ________ the the workability.

Round and smooth aggregates increase the the workability.


Slump of concrete is measured to test _______ of concrete.

Slump of concrete is measured to test workability of concrete.


b) State true or false.

When fully saturated, the bulking of sand is 100%. True/False


The strength of concrete is independent of water contents in it. True/False



Height of one bag of cement is 18 cm.T/F



If the mix is dry, the slump is zero. True/False



Strength of cement is independent of storage period. True/False


Download Previous Year Concrete Technology PSBTE Diploma Solved Paper May 2017 Click Here


Write the advantages and disadvantages of concrete?

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete

What do you mean by batching? What are the different methods of batching?

Batching and different methods of batching

Explain the slump test of concrete?

Slump test of concrete


What are the various types of concrete mixer commonly used?

Various types of concrete mixer commonly used


What is difference b/w segregation and bleeding?

Difference b/w segregation and bleeding


What is the purpose of using admixture in concrete?

Purpose of using admixture in concrete

Give the importance of non-destructive test?

Importance of non-destructive test

Gives the Uses of fibre reinforced concrete.

Uses of fibre reinforced concrete.


What is curing of concrete? What are the different methods of curing?

Curing of concrete and  different methods of curing

What are the various methods of transportation of concrete?

Various methods of transportation of concrete

What are the various methods of transportation of concrete?

Various methods of transportation of concrete

Concrete Technology Civil 4th Semester  PSBTE Diploma Solved May 2017 Paper Click Here

Concrete Technology CT 4th Sem Civil/0512/may 2017 Solved Paper

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Section c solved concrete technology dec 2017 paper

What do you mean by workability? Describe compacting factor Test ?


2. Describe compacting factor Test


Explain the properties of concrete in the hardened State ?

Properties of concrete in the hardened State 

Write short note on Bulking of Sand 2.Non-destructive test 3.Segregation 4.Concreting in hot weather


    1. Bulking of Sand 
    2. Non-destructive test
    3. Segregation
    4. Concreting in hot weather
Give the requirement of a ware house for the storage of concrete? What precaution will be taken while storing cement in ware house?

1.Requirement of a ware house for the storage of concrete 

2.precaution will be taken while storing cement in ware house?

Concrete Technology CT Diploma 4th Semester Civil/0512/May 2017 Paper Contact Us
JK Smart Classes Upload Lecture for Degree classes like B.TECH,M.TECH in any stream like ECE,EE,ME and Civil Engineering \"JK JK SMART CLASSES ER.JASWINDER KUMAR \"JK JK SMART LECTURE ER.JASWINDER KUMAR Engineering Classes Upload Lecture for Polytechnic Diploma classes in any stream like ECE,EE,ME and Civil Engineering \"JK ENGINEERING CLASSES ER.JASWINDER KUMAR \"JK er.jaswinder kumar Senior Lecturer
JK Smart Classes Upload Lecture for Degree classes like B.TECH,M.TECH in any stream like ECE,EE,ME and Civil Engineering \"JK JK SMART CLASSES ER.JASWINDER KUMAR \"JK JK SMART LECTURE ER.JASWINDER KUMAR Engineering Classes Upload Lecture for Polytechnic Diploma classes in any stream like ECE,EE,ME and Civil Engineering \"JK ENGINEERING CLASSES ER.JASWINDER KUMAR \"JK er.jaswinder kumar Senior Lecturer

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